1. Time of Great Waste
2. The Sun at Its Highest
3. Yin and Yang Intertwined
4. High Noon
5. Noon Time
6. Middle of the Day
7. Loss of Eyesight
8. Sun Begins to Fall
9. Dimming of the Sun
10. Sun at the West
11. Reflection of the Sun
12. Sun Begins Setting
13. The Formation of Everything
14. The Darkness
15. Supper
16. Rascality
17. Ripe Time
18. The Sun Has Rested
19. Sun Sunk
20. Dimming of Everything
21. At Dusk
22. At Nightfall
23. Vanishing World
24. Everything is Dormant
25. Forming Essentials
26. Ceasing Movements
27. Sacrifice for Sun
28. Chaos
29. Chaotic Yang
30. Night Begins
31. Midnight
32. Middle of the Night
33. Yan Emerges
34. Birth of Yin
35. Sprout of Yang
36. Halfway
37. Guardian God of Chou
38. The Source of Cold
39. The Knot of Start and End
40. Rooster at Night
41. Stretch
42. Lighting
43. Sun on the Horizon
44. Hidden Night
45. Birth of Sun
46. Rising Sun
47. Stretch of the World
48. Time of Great Waste